There’s a problem with how you’re saving for retirement…
Retirement planning hasn’t changed a whole lot. You sock away money for all of your working years (or at least most of them). Then when it’s time to actually retire, you open your big pool of money and start drawing an income.
Sound familiar?
Do you realize this is the most dangerous way to plan for retirement?
But I have all my retirement in a 401k. Even riskier.
But I have life insurance. It won’t be enough.
But I manage my own portfolio! Unless you’re Warren Buffet, it’s probably not the best idea to rely on your day trading skills alone.
So why is traditional retirement planning so risky? Because it’s not planning at all. The problem with most traditional retirement plans is that they don't consider all the variables you might face in retirement. If you really want to plan for retirement, you have to keep 3 significant factors in mind:
Changes in tax laws.
Market conditions.
The economy's overall health both now and at the time of retirement
Instead of creating a holistic retirement strategy, most business owners end up with what we like to call the financial junk drawer. Different products, strategies, and investments tangled together in a drawer with your spare batteries and kitchen shears
Over the past sixteen years, I've helped clients untangle their financial junk drawers along with the messes left by half-baked retirement plans and fly-by-night financial products.
Today, I'd like to invite you to join me for a webinar where I'll teach you a better, simpler, and more effective way to think about retirement. Simply complete the form on this page, and you'll change the way you think about retirement forever.
The invisible losses jeopardizing your retirement and how to stop the bleeding (Opportunity costs).
The Velocity Investment Formula: How to multiply your contributions with no additional out of pocket investment.
The Sequence of Returns Defense: How non-market correlated assets can defend your livelihood in times of economic uncertainty.
Trust but Verify: How using our model can provide you with impact insights on every dollar you put to work.
Your Presenter
Winn Greenwood, RFC®
Financial Advisor